For the academic year 2024/2025 the school will have
seven classes for children aged 4 to 11 years and will
be organised as follows
Owl Class for Year R, Osprey Class for Year 1, Falcon
Class for Year 2, Kestrel Class for Year 3, Merlin Class
and for Year 4, Hawk Class for Year 5 and Eagle Class
for Year 6. Occasionally, to maintain classes of equal
size and to accommodate all those that wish to attend
our school, we have to have some mixed year group
Along with nine classrooms, the building includes a Hall that is
used as a dining room, for assemblies, P.E. and drama, as well
as a Library and Food Technology area. In addition, there are
sufficient cloakrooms and toilet facilities and administrative
accommodation. The school grounds are constantly being developed
with several hard-surfaced play areas, an adventure playground,
a climbing wall, a quiet garden, an all-weather ‘Daily Mile’
track and a large field which is used for a variety of sporting
and recreational activities throughout the year, as well as for
part of the school’s environmental studies programme.