PSHE Curriculum Statement
At Thorney Island Community
Primary School, we shape our PSHE curriculum to ensure it is
fully inclusive to every child. Our aims are to fulfil the
requirements of the National Curriculum for PSHE; providing a
broad, balanced and adapted curriculum that encompasses the
British Values throughout; ensuring the progressive development
of PSHE concepts, knowledge and skills; and for the children to
explore trying new things, working hard, concentrating, pushing
oneself, imagining, improving, understanding others and not
giving up.
At Thorney Island Community Primary School, we aim for a high
quality PSHE curriculum. We believe that PSHE is an
integral part of the curriculum as the skills learnt will equip
children for their futures and become active members of society.
Based on the National Curriculum and our Jigsaw scheme, we aim
to provide an environment that will enable each child to grow in
understanding so as to reach their full potential - spiritually,
emotionally, intellectually, morally, physically and socially.
Through their understanding of PSHE, children will be able to
succeed in many different areas of the curriculum and throughout
life as the learned skills are transferrable. We strive to
ensure that children will have opportunities to create personal
understanding, that children will be given the opportunity to
both explore and challenge alternative attitudes and beliefs,
along with rights and responsibilities. We hope that in teaching
a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum, children will develop a
range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe,
fulfilling, responsible and balanced life.
ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in PSHE, we
implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole
school. Our PSHE curriculum is based around 6 topics: Being Me
in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy
Me, Relationships and Changing Me. The scheme of work also
includes opportunities to link British Values, Spiritual, Moral,
Social and Cultural (SMSC) and the school’s key values into the
curriculum. Throughout the school, each year group builds on the
knowledge and skills developed in the year prior, building on
what the children already understand. Jigsaw Journals are used
by all classes to capture the essence of PSHE lessons, also
helping children to refer back to prior learning whenever
necessary. These Journals are taken with children through the
school, so by Year 6, 7 years of PSHE is captured. At TICPS, we
also ensure many assemblies make a link to PSHE, British Values
and SMSC.
Following the implementation of the broad and balanced PSHE
curriculum at Thorney Island Community Primary School, children
will be respectful, responsible, resilient and confident members
of society within Thorney Island and the wider community. The
tools which our PSHE curriculum provides children with, will
ensure they are able to maintain healthy and positive lifestyles
with regard to relationships, diet and their own personal
identity. As they become more confident throughout the areas of
PSHE, building upon our themes year by year, children will
understand their personal role in society. The most significant
impact that we want for our pupils, in line with our school
values, is the development of respect for themselves and respect
for others, showing innovation and perseverance, being positive
members of a strong community and feeling success.