Maths (Core Subject) 

 We ensure that all pupils are taught a broad and balanced mathematical curriculum where they are able to become fluent in each area of mathematics studied as well as being able to give reasons for their answers and to solve problems.  

We intend: 

·         For the pupils to see the relationship between the various aspects of mathematics studied and to see its use and practical application across other curriculum subjects and within the wider world. 

·         To develop mastery within and across year groups with mathematical learning building on what has already been taught. 

·         For our pupils to develop a growth mind-set when it comes to mathematics, being able to be imaginative, take initiative, be flexible and become fascinated by the use of mathematics in the world around them.  

·         To encourage pupils to solve problems in a systematic way where necessary. 

·         To ensure that pupils work both independently and cooperatively. 

·         To equip children with the necessary skills to enable them to study mathematics further as they progress and for them to understand its paramount importance in daily life.  


We follow the progression of White Rose Maths and by doing so follow a mastery curriculum, where children develop their skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We use concrete and pictorial resources to scaffold learning in order for children to able to understand more abstract ideas


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Website: Emsworth Online