Thorney Island Primary School, we passionately believe that
learning to read should be an exciting and meaningful
experience. Phonics is an essential component of the teaching of
early reading and we have a structured approach to both the
teaching of phonics and reading throughout the school.
is taught systematically across the school using the DFE
approved Monster Phonics scheme. We use a unique colour coded
system which allows children to visually see the graphemes in
words and each set of colour coded graphemes is linked to a
monster phonics character. The colour coded approach is also
used to support spelling across Key Stage 2.
assessments are used regularly to ensure progress and half
termly checks on phonic knowledge inform the next steps in
learning for each child. Phonic lessons are taught at least 4
times a week in KS1 and when appropriate in KS2 intervention
sessions are used to ensure children secure their phonic
knowledge and any gaps in learning are rectified.
reception we use phonically decodable books from the Monster
Phonics scheme which are matched to the children’s phonic
knowledge. These are sent home regularly to ensure children
practice and apply the phonics knowledge they have learnt in
school. In addition we supplement children’s reading diet with a
book from our reading scheme and a free choice book from the
child’s classroom library. As the children’s reading develops
across the school they move to selecting their own choice of
books as a free reader with guidance and recommendations from
the class teacher. Books are shared in lessons across all Key
Stages to foster pleasure in reading.
ages and comprehension skills are assessed regularly and if a
child is considered to not be progressing, parents are informed
and a range of intervention strategies are put into place with
regular monitoring to check progress.