Thorney Island Primary School Catch-Up Strategy Statement 2020/21


Summary Information


Thorney Island Community Primary School

Academic year


Total Catch-Up budget

Total number of pupils


£4280 in first tranche with £13,880 to come = £18,160

£80 per pupil



Strategy Statement

At Thorney Island Community Primary School, our catch-up priorities are:

       Pupil wellbeing and good mental health

       Additional phonics and reading support (progress and attainment)

       Additional mathematics support (progress and attainment)

Core approaches:

       The effective use of the learning mentor and ‘Drawing and Talking’ therapy to support pupil wellbeing alongside quality PSHE class lessons.

       Catch-up phonics sessions delivered by a qualified teacher in key year groups.

       Catch-up mathematics sessions delivered by support staff in all year groups.

Aims of catch-up premium:

       To ensure our pupils well-being and good mental health are supported through group and 1:1 sessions, with the learning mentor, ‘Drawing and Talking’ therapist and through high quality class PSHE lessons.

       To address the gap in phonics and reading caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, so pupils are able to make accelerated progress from their September starting points.

       To address gaps in mathematics, caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, so pupils are able to make accelerated progress from their September starting points.


Barriers to future attainment

Pupils returned to school positively after the summer lockdown however some pupils need further support due to individual circumstances. Children also require access to high quality PSHE lessons as well as support in some areas of learning that have been missed.

Since March 2020 lockdown, pupils have fallen behind in reading and writing in all year groups.

Learning new mathematics concepts was also very difficult for many pupils through remote learning after Christmas.

Lots of the younger children have also returned to school with a lower level of independence and resilience.

It has been noted by many teachers that the lower attaining children appear to have struggled the most with remote learning due to lack of individual support and specialised resources that would have been used in school.

Additional Barriers (external)

Remote learning for some families was difficult due to the number of siblings in a household and/or work commitments.

Parental engagement with remote learning due to personal circumstances and lack of specific subject knowledge.


Desired Outcome/ success criteria

To ensure our pupils well-being and good mental health are supported through group and 1:1 sessions with the learning mentor, ‘Drawing and Talking’ therapist  and through high quality class PSHE lessons.





Review Date

Quality of teaching for all

-        Staff CPD for new PSHE curriculum

-        Supporting children’s wellbeing and mental health by preventing normal emotions developing into more entrenched mental health issues.

-        Emotional Literacy support groups to resume ASAP.

The Wellbeing Education Return project, funded by the DfE, to protect and strengthen whole staff resilience to the wellbeing and mental health impacts of Covid-19.

Place 2 Be Mental Health Champions training for staff to enhance understanding of children’s mental health and introduce approaches that foster positive wellbeing in schools and communities.

Social and emotional health and well-being of all CYP is monitored and interventions are put in place to support CYP to develop their social and emotional needs.

-      Learning walks

-      PSHE drop ins

-      RAG survey

-      Staff confidence to meet needs as well as knowing when to refer to appropriate agencies

July 2021

Targeted Support

-        Learning mentor group sessions for identified pupils

-        1:1 learning mentor sessions for pupils affected by Covid-19

-        Drawing and Talking therapy sessions for pupils affected by Covid-19

Research from the EEF toolkit, shows that SEL interventions have an identifiable and significant impact on developing pupil self-esteem, emotional resilience and readiness to learn, and attainment itself (four months' additional progress on average). SEL programmes appear to benefit disadvantaged or low-attaining pupils more than other pupils. Nurture is an evidence based approach to supporting children’s social and emotional needs (Nurture UK). The growing need for 1:1 support provided by the learning mentor has risen significantly in recent years.

-      Continuous monitoring and discussions between the learning mentor, class teacher, SENCO, PP lead and DSL

July 2021

Other approaches

-        Enhancement of PSHE curriculum through specialist visitors/resources

Children’s wellbeing and good mental health is paramount to ensure learning takes place, quality PSHE lessons will ensure all children feel supported.

-        PSHE drop ins

-        PSHE training and feedback

July 2021

Estimated cost: £ 4,160

Desired Outcome/ success criteria

To address gaps in phonics and reading, caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, so pupils are able to make accelerated progress from their September starting points.





Review Date

Quality of teaching for all

-        Additional phonics sessions in specific year groups

-        Use of quality texts to promote reading across the school.

-        Additional support for hearing all children read.

Formative assessment data revealed gaps in children’s knowledge and understanding.

Reading records show a very mixed picture of who has been heard read regularly and how/if texts have been discussed.

-      Teacher assessments

-      Progress and Attainment data

July 2021

Targeted support

-        Qualified teacher support for identified pupils in delivering high quality phonics teaching in key year groups.

-        Phonics Minute Games by T.A.’s

-        Additional Intervention support using Toe by Toe, TRUGS and NESSY


Identified pupils will receive extra phonics inputs with a qualified teacher to ensure gaps are identified and children are able to catch up on missed learning.

There is lack of evidence of children reading during Lockdown and formative assessments reveal that some children have not read regularly.

Some children appear to have lost a love of reading.

-      Teacher assessments

-      Class teacher and TA discussions

-      Progress and Attainment data

July 2021

Other approaches

-        Resources to support home learning

Resources to support pupils with reading. E.g. Oxford Owls – E-Library and Teach My Monster to Read

-      Class teachers

July 2021

Estimated cost: £ 7,000

Desired Outcome/ success criteria

To address gaps in mathematics, caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, so pupils are able to make accelerated progress from their September starting points.





Review Date

Quality of teaching for all

-        Use of the White Rose revised scheme, identifying areas missed due to lockdown

-        Use of Numbots to ensure key mathematical concepts are embedded, can be practiced both in school and at home, and can be utilised in a range of contexts (EYFS and Key Stage 1)

-        Starters used effectively to ensure that gaps within learning due to home learning during lockdowns are identified and addressed

-        Specific maths lessons/days planned alongside daily mathematics teaching to facilitate further learning, particularly in areas that may at times be overlooked (such as measure and statistics) and to support pupils in seeing mathematics in the context of the wider curriculum. 

Formative and summative assessment by class teachers has shown that there are some gaps within mathematical learning as a result of various lockdowns. This is more evident in areas of mathematics such as fractions, measures and statistics (the children’s concept on number and calculation seems to still be strong)


-      Work scrutiny

-      Discussions with members of staff

-      Teacher assessments

-      Progress and Attainment data

July 2021

Targeted support

-        Qualified teacher/TA support for identified pupils in delivering high quality maths small group sessions to address gaps in learning

-        Additional interventions such as Plus 1 where required

Identified pupils will receive additional maths support with a qualified teacher/TA to ensure gaps are identified and children are able to catch up on missed learning.

-      Teacher assessments

-      Class teacher and TA discussions

-      Progress and Attainment data

July 2021

Other approaches

-        Resources to support home learning

Resources to support pupils for specific learning points.

-      Class teachers

July 2021

Estimated cost: £ 7,000








Copyright © 2020 Thorney Island Community Primary School Thorney Island, Emsworth, Hants  PO10 8DJ     Telephone:  01243 371317 Fax:  01243 370569

Website: Emsworth Online